I’m Priscila: My time at wedo – Wedo AI | Your All In One Business Tool


I’m Priscilla: My time at Wedo

Spring came, and a woman who slept little, and worked a lot, found on the internet a person who had just lost her job and who could help her sort things out, and that is me, although at the time I was a bit lost.  

Indy and I were in a cafeteria in a Mediterranean town after talking on the phone, mixing languages (English, French & Spanish), and sharing our feeling´s. The cafeteria was called Black Pork, and at first, I thought it might not be a good omen to go to a ham and chorizo bar if I have not eaten meat for more than ten years. I was wrong. We spent two hours talking, not only about the project, but about life experiences and many other things. Indy was happy and bought some pink sneakers from a boy who passed by our table who was from Senegal, and I left smiling looking out the window of the train. 

The next day, I went to Xativa. I was greeted by two big and hairy sisters who threw me to the ground, and a beautiful dog that I have named “Podenqui” because although she is officially called Lottie, I think that with the passage of time I will get everyone to rename her (that is my secret goal at wedo). Podenqui was extremely sick and sad, but Ian and Indy have made her hair healthy and strong again, and she has put on a few kilos … although she has a fast metabolism and only likes human food. The three kittens also have a happy story, but I do not want to just talk about animals in this post.  

That first day we configured my computer, I had access to the system, and I tried to put things in order, like Marie Kondo (Konmarie a Japanese Author, & TV host). Although the first few days I was mostly trying to get know who each of the other people were, what they were doing, and being part of all the team meetings to find out what else I could contribute. Once I understood it, and it took a few months; I did administrative tasks and helped the team members as much as I could.  

Spring passed (Blood alters, as we say in Spain), Summer came, and I felt a huge need to understand wedo better. To have a greater involvement in the project. I proposed to Indy that I work a week from Indy´s home, which Indy agreed. That was Karl’s first week, and my husband Rodrigo accompanied me. That week he had little work and was able to help us set up the new office. Thank you! I could not stop laughing every time Rodrigo called Karl, and he replied “Yes, Sir” Between the three of us & Indy, (when not in meeting´s) we set up the office, painted the wall and left a workspace, full of light, and with the Bougainvillea’s in the windows (it is heaven! – Google offices will copy us shortly) 

On the second day of work, just as Karl walked through the door, I went for my computer barefoot. As a child, my father used to chase me around the house with slippers so I would not go barefoot, but I never listened to him. This day I did not take him into account either. I just remember that I felt something warm and soft on my toes, and it was poop from Mimi, one of the hairy sisters. I only remember that I screamed, put my foot under the tap and used all the toiletry products that I had in my toiletry bag, as well as disinfectant. In Spain it is said, that when you step on poop, you have good luck. I believe that if you step on poop barefoot, you are lucky for the rest of your life, in this life and in the following. Thus began the week.  

All I remember is we worked long hours, and then we went out and had pizza, after we cleaned the pool. 

In the car back, Rodrigo and I understood that our musical culture was zero, and that we had, had an exciting experience without knowing it. 

What else can I say? 

Being part of a project like wedo, adapted to the real needs of today’s society, that will provide facilities to all those who want to develop their skills and abilities in such a global world, is incredible! Time is especially important to me and dedicating mine to a project in which I believe, is essential. In addition to all this, you can see how wedo evolves so quickly thanks to the effective communication and professionalism of all of us who are part of the team, it excites me. wedo is a project that I feel at one with. We have an incredibly excellent work environment; we have fun, and we also know that each of the steps we take is coming to fruition. We have created in a truly brief time a network that manages to get the best out of ourselves, and that will give opportunities to all those who want to achieve their dreams and earn a living to be able to buy food for their pets.  

As for my work, I love helping people solve their doubts and I am an organized and creative person. Therefore, whenever someone needs to answer a question, to help them organise documents or simply clarify a question, they can contact me. In addition to all this, we will begin very soon to have wedo Talks in Spanish and translate all our platforms into my mother tongue, in which I will work to achieve the great community of Spanish-speakers, so they too can have access to our platform, I love it! 

Surely, I can keep sharing lots of wedo adventures for a long time! Karl and I are waiting for you in the upstairs office with Mimi, Lulu and Podenqui. The one in the short-sleeved shirt and has the fan on constantly, is Karl, I am the one in the sweater.

See you soon! 
