with Guest Sharon MacLean
On February 16, 2022, David interviewed Sharon MacLean, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Sharon is a communications marketing strategist, founder of WorldGate Media and Co-Founder of Virtual Communication Mastery. Sharon is also an author and publisher and, in the past, worked in mental health.
Communications has been the common thread throughout Sharon’s career, starting out working for Alberta Health. In 1989, Sharon and her late husband started a magazine, Edmontonians, that covered local business and entrepreneurs and the contributions they made to their community. In the financial market crash of 2008 and the colossal loss of journalism outlets, Sharon managed to sell her media enterprise.
The move opened a door of opportunity for her in digital marketing. In her current businesses, Sharon talks about WorldGate Media that provides services in social media strategies, tactics, and training for business owners. Virtual Communication Mastery focuses on the remote workforce by mitigating risk to strengthen employee loyalty; upgrade communication practices; and increase profits by recognizing improved employee relationships as assets on the balance sheet.
Sharon’s Contact Information:
LinkedIn: Connect with Sharon MacLean
Twitter: @sharedmaclean
Website: World Gate Media
V C Mastery
Email: sharon@worldgatemedia.com