On April 29, 2022, David interviewed Kevin Barber, an Executive Director of a Business Network International (“BNI”) region in Germany and Chairman of The BNI Foundation Worldwide.
Originally from the UK, Kevin was offered an assignment to Germany in 1984 while working in the accounting field, for KPMG, a position he remained in for four years. After working for several companies as an accountant and CFO in Germany,
Kevin discovered BNI in 2004 and launched his first BNI chapter in 2005 in Heidelberg, Germany. His chapters have since generated a cumulative total of more than US$400 Million in closed business. Kevin has attended BNI meetings in 27 countries in order to establish a strong international network for his BNI customers.
As Chairman of the BNI Foundation, Kevin oversees a global organization, focused on giving 100% of its donations to benefit children across the globe. For Kevin, Changing the Way the World Does Business means showing the world in everything that we do that “together and for each other” brings much better results than “against each other”.
Kevin’s Contact Information:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-bar…
Web Site: https://bnifoundation.org